Onboarding Pipeline: Intro
Section Description
The Intro tab marks the first phase of integrating a new employee into the company. At this stage, the admin writes a welcome message and assigns a mentor from the company’s team to support the employee during their adaptation. The admin can also attach a file with helpful information and include a link to a welcome video, if available.
Features List
- Enter a welcome message
- Select a mentor
- Attach additional files
- Add a link to a welcome video
Feature Overview
- Welcome message: The admin writes a welcome message to greet the new employee. The message may also include the next steps, company policies, or important organizational guidelines.
- Selection of a mentor: The assigned mentor will provide support, answer questions, and assist the new employee during their first days at work.
- Attachment of a file: The admin can attach a file containing additional information, such as company policies, user guides for internal systems, contact details, or other resources that may be useful for the new employee.
- Attachment of a link to a welcome video: If the company has a welcome video, the admin can add a link to it. The video may introduce the company’s culture, values, history, and team, helping the new employee gain a deeper understanding of the organization.
After sending the initial onboarding information, the admin can immediately navigate to the Profile tab and send a request for the employee to complete their profile. This ensures that all necessary personal and professional details are provided by the new hire in a timely manner, streamlining the onboarding process and preparing their account for further actions.