Offboarding Pipeline: Overview

Section Description

The offboarding module in our platform allows customization of the offboarding process by creating pipeline templates and streamlining pipeline management.
The "Offboarding Settings" section enables administrators to create new pipeline templates with steps that align with the essential stages of the offboarding process.

Each pipeline features a Kanban board that visualizes the offboarding stages based on the selected template. Within an open pipeline, the admin can add employees to the current pipeline and manage columns (add, edit, delete, and move) except for the protected stages, Ready and Finished.

The employee's offboarding profile includes standard tabs, such as:

  • Apps: The admin revokes the employee's access to corporate accounts, ensuring that all sensitive company information is secured.
  • Devices: The admin requests the return of company devices assigned to the employee, tracking the process to ensure all assets are recovered.
  • Document signing: The admin sends the necessary documents for signature.
  • Outro: The admin sends a final email to the employee, attaching closing documents such as termination letters, final pay statements, or exit recommendations, providing a professional and organized conclusion to the offboarding process.

Features List

  • Offboarding settings
  • Creating a new pipeline
  • Editing a pipeline
  • Deleting a pipeline
  • Adding a new employee's offboarding profile
  • Adding a new stage
  • Editing a stage
  • Deleting a stage
  • Employee's offboarding profile
  • Apps
  • Devices
  • Document signing
  • Outro
  • Delete offboarding process
  • Complete the offboarding process
  • Archive completed offboarding processes

Feature Overview

Offboarding Settings

To access pipeline template settings, click the Offboarding Settings button in the Offboarding Pipeline section. Here, administrators can create, delete, or edit templates to align with company policies. For more details on configuring offboarding, refer to our dedicated article.

Creating a New Pipeline

To add a new pipeline, click on the New Pipeline button.

Enter the pipeline name and description, and select a pre-configured pipeline template from the Offboarding Settings section.

The new pipeline will be added to the list. The admin can now add employees to the offboarding process. 

Editing a pipeline

To edit a pipeline, hover over the gear icon and select the "Edit" option from the dropdown menu.

Deleting a pipeline

To delete a pipeline, hover over the gear icon and select the "Delete" option from the dropdown menu. 

Please note that once a pipeline is deleted, it cannot be restored.

Adding a New Stage

Within each pipeline, the admin can add an additional stage to the pipeline. This feature allows for further customization of the offboarding process, enabling admins to tailor the pipeline to the specific needs of the company or role.

To access a pipeline, click the "Open" button in the pipeline block.

In the open pipeline, click the "Add new stage" button to add a stage to the pipeline. Enter the stage name and confirm the action. 

Editing a stage

To edit a stage, hover over the gear icon and select the "Edit" option from the dropdown menu.

Deleting a stage

To delete a stage, hover over the gear icon and select the "Delete" option from the dropdown menu. 

Please note that once a stage is deleted, it cannot be restored and all employees will be moved to the Ready stage.

Adding a New Employee's Offboarding Profile

To access a pipeline, click the "Open" button in the pipeline block.

In the open pipeline, click the "Add new employee" button to add an employee to the pipeline.

In the popup that appears, select an employee and confirm the action.

Employee's Offboarding Profile

Each offboarding pipeline is organized as a Kanban board with columns that can be customized in the Offboarding Settings. Employee offboarding profiles are displayed within the appropriate column based on their current stage in the pipeline.

The offboarding status of each employee can be easily tracked. A status of "Ready" indicates that the admin needs to take action, while "Pending" signifies that the employee must take action.

Within each employee's offboarding profile, standard tabs correspond to the key stages of the offboarding process. Additionally, every tab contains a history of changes, including the date, author, and details of each modification, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the process.

Let us take a closer look at each tab:


The "Apps" tab is a part of the offboarding process where the admin deletes the credentials of employees' corporate accounts.

Please note that deleting credentials in the platform does not revoke the employee's access to their accounts. To ensure access is fully restricted, you must revoke permissions directly within the third-party software's interface.


The "Devices" tab is a part of the offboarding process where the admin recalls the company's devices from an employee to return the device to the warehouse or reassign it to another employee.

Docs signing

The "Docs signing" tab represents the third stage of the offboarding process. At this stage, the admin sends the necessary documents for signing to the employee and sets a deadline for signing. 


The "Outro" tab in the Offboarding module helps administrators finalize the offboarding process by summarizing all key actions, such as sharing parting notes, uploading necessary documents (e.g., recommendation letters), and ensuring all final steps are completed. This feature facilitates a smooth and professional exit for employees, ensuring clarity and proper documentation.

Delete Offboarding Process

Admins can permanently delete an offboarding process for an employee. This action removes all related records and data from the system, which cannot be recovered after deletion. Deletion is recommended only for incorrect or duplicate offboarding entries.

To delete the offboarding profile, click the "Delete" button and confirm the action. 

Complete Offboarding Process

Admins can mark an employee's offboarding as "Finished" once all required steps (e.g., document signing, device returns, etc.) are completed. This action is irreversible but ensures the completion status is reflected in the system. 

Please note that once the offboarding process is completed, the employee will lose access to their employee account.

To complete the offboarding process, click the "Finish" button and confirm the action. 

Archive Completed Offboarding

Once the offboarding process is marked as completed, the admin can move the record to the Archive section. Archived offboarding processes are stored for future reference and cannot be edited. Admins can still access detailed records, including signed documents, returned devices, and termination details. This feature ensures compliance and a clear history of former employees.

To archive the offboarding process, click the "Archive" button and confirm the action. The record will be moved to the Archive section