My Team: Personal Information in the Employee Profile

Section description

The "Personal information" tab of the employee profile serves as the primary repository of employee information, encompassing a wide range of details. Here, comprehensive data such as full name, date of birth, contact information, and other personal particulars are securely stored.

Furthermore, the employee profile caters to additional information such as emergency contacts, allergies, dietary restrictions, and more, ensuring a holistic representation of the employee's profile.

During onboarding or creating a new profile, the admin or the employees fill in the basic information about an employee.

Admins can change an employee's profile and add new data. Employees themselves do not have access to modify their profile information. Therefore, if an employee needs to update their profile, they must submit a request for profile changes, which the platform admin receives and processes.

Features list

  • Viewing personal data.
  • Add new institution
  • Add new emergency contact
  • Add additional information
  • Change profile data

Feature Overview

Viewing personal data

The "Personal Information" tab is an employee's primary and first tab in their profile. To access the profile, select the desired employee in the "Team" section, subsection "My Team".

Basic Information

This section contains basic details about the employee, including their first name, last name, department, employment type, and position.

Main Information

This block includes the employee's contact information, such as phone number, email, date of birth, gender, marital status, address, and other personal details. Additionally, it may include information about the employee's driver's license, language skills, allergies, dietary restrictions, and shirt size.


This section provides information about the employee's education, including institutions attended, degrees obtained, fields of study, dates of attendance, and grades.

Emergency Contacts

This section presents information about emergency contacts. The system will notify this person in urgent situations. It includes their names, relationship to the employee, phone numbers, emails, and addresses.

Add new institution

The admin can add one or more education entries for an employee by using the option to add another block of fields.

To remove an additional education field block, click on the delete button.

Add new emergency contact

The admin can add more emergency contacts for an employee. To do this, they can use the option to add another block of fields.

To remove an additional contact, click on the delete button.

Add additional information

The admin can add any additional information to an employee's profile. To do this, click the designated button, enter the necessary information in the opened window, and confirm the action.

Change profile data

To modify data in the profile, make the necessary changes and click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.